Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Last night the car was out of action so Shekarau gave me a lift. He and Alfatah talked about the problem of affording a home in Abuja.
"I have applied for the home assistance loan from the company, but I did so weeks ago, and I still have not heard anything. It was with the company secretary, now its with the managing editor. I don't know whats happening." Alfatah said.
"Even with the loan, it is difficult to find a place big enough. It is impossible to find a two bedroomed house in town. This is why I live outside in one of the satellite towns." said Shekarau. "Even then cost of rental is up to N300,000 per year."
I thought I should probably kep quiet on this subject.
"Isa says your new apartment is very nice" said Shekarau looking up into the mirror.
"Its fine, yes." I said.
"How much is it?"
"Weeellll... the list price was N12,000, but I don't think we even paid half of that. We negotiated something else but i don't know how much."
"12,000? A month."
"No. A day."
"A DAY?"
I did not want to tell them that my hotel room had cost more than that. Relocating to the apartment I am in was a step down in terms of price.
Shekarau took in the information. We talked a little more and then We came to Wuse motorpark, busses pulling up, their doors flying open, people boarding them with sacks and pallets. Okadas waiting. Chaotic motorpark.
"You will leave us here," said Shekarau. I did not want to get out, but I didn't want to be rude, I didn't want to seem as if I was scared either.
"I don't want to lose my bag" I said, getting out.
As soon as the door closed five men took an interest in me. They tried to say they were taxi drivers and I should go with them, off into the dark. I stepped out into the road and a car pulled up. I jumped in and said "Take me to Garki II". The men crowded around the window and tried to reach in and take my laptop bag. The driver sped off with one hanging from the window, still trying to get my bag. I shoved a crumpled banknote out of the window and he let go.
Shekarau called moments later. "I was going to advise you to be careful" he said. I asked him what he had expected to happen.
Angrily I rang off before I could hear his answer. I sent him a text explaining what happened. "Thank you very much for dropping me off there. It was very thoughtful of you," it ended.
He replied: "You're most welcome, and be more careful."


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