Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm not good at numbers. When I try to do mental arithmatic the numbers start swimming around in my minds eye, giggling... a xylophone plays in the background.
But today I sucessfully held a maths training session for journalists. We went over how to calculate percentages and averages, and then did a test.
I've heard that university here is about the equivalent of A level, and these guys stopped doing maths at primary level.
Sam said: "When maths enter, I become a carpenter." Good luck building if you can't add up, mate.
I spoke to Silas later, he told me about his experiences at school with maths. "All it took was one teacher to chase me off liking maths. At one stage I was rubbing shoulders with the top boy in the class, and the next, I was nowhere. A new teacher came in and drew a big equation something on the board and then left the classroom. If you couldn't understand it, he wasn't interested."


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