One of the best journalists in Nigeria. Senan Murray has an instinct for personal stories in a media obsessed with useless, facile, arrogant, money spewing politicians.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
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Previous Posts
- The following story came out of a piece of informa...
- Arrived back again from Mali to find Abuja still i...
- Arrived back in Abuja to find a suitcase and my DV...
- As predicted by my colleagues, all the aspirants i...
- The All Nigeria People's Party primary is on today...
- Umar Yar’adua entered Eagle square and took his se...
- Our reporter just came back from the National Asse...
- Somewhere in the middle of the voters registration...
- The OPEC meeting came to town today. Yesterday the...
- “I feel pity for these women,” the nurse in the da...
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